Viriditas Energy - Photo of person walking through woods

My Purpose

My purpose is to guide, inspire, and motivate individuals to unlock their full potential.

We collaborate to create a personalized program that helps you identify and remove obstacles, align your energy, and discover strategies to harness your unique gifts.

Through this process, you are empowered to follow your optimal path in life.

  • Discovery Call

    I offer both spiritual life coaching and Marconic Energy healing modalities to optimize your life journey.

    We explore your passions in life and what might be blocking you from living your dreams.

    By the end of the call, we will create an initial plan on how we can proceed together.

    Schedule a Discovery Call 
  • Program Tailored to Your Needs

    We work together to design a program that works for you to remove blocks and align energy so you can follow your optimal path in life. Weaving the appropriate healing modalities into your program is essential for your success and we will do this as part of the discovery call and your first session.

    For additional information on the types of tools we will work with :

    Visit the Spiritual Life Coaching page for more details on this process.

    Visit the Marconic Healing Modalities page for more details on this process.

  • Benefits

    • Reduce stress in everyday life
    • Increase joy in all facets of existence
    • Increase peace of mind
    • Align heart, mind, body and soul to make guided decisions
    • Achieve higher vibrational frequency releasing outdated programming and stored traumas
    • Acquire additional tools to deal with life challenges on a continual basis
    • Discover a more balanced approach to living and enjoying life
    • Ignite your true passions and live those fully each day

About Marconic Energy

Full-spectrum Marconic energy works in the ascending 5D body template, where older 3D healing modalities are no longer effective. It facilitates rapid shedding of karmic debris and new DNA activations allowing you to raise your vibration and reach a new level of connection to Source/Spirit.

More About Marconic Energy
Michael Johnson Marconics Life Coach Energy Healing Colorado

Michael Johnson's Journey

I enjoy working with people and guiding them through their own process of self-discovery. My aim is to empower individuals to uncover their inner strength, joy, and productivity while also fostering self-acceptance and balance by incorporating fun into their daily lives.

Certified in Marconic Energy Healing, Wilderness Therapy and Transformational Guiding, I draw from personal experience to empathize with others' struggles and guide them toward living authentically.

Please see my About Me page for more information.