
Marconic Energy Healing

My session with Michael elevated me to a place of calm and peace that felt like everything was easy and perfect. Yes – I know that place – I used to visit and know it often. I had been out of touch with it – life, myself, source – for too long. I was happy to realize I had never left, and feel a sense of better alignment with my life in heart, mind, body, and soul. Thank you Michael. I look forward to more of this powerful work with you!

- KL from Arvada, CO area

Michael is an incredible human with a passion to help others reach a higher self. I have received and continue to receive his Marconic sessions and truly feel an energy shift. I highly recommend his work! Thank you, Michael, for all that you do!!

- EK from Boulder, CO area

I have been very interested in chakras and energy frequency so really love Michael’s offering. I feel so refreshed, light, and calm after the sessions and love the perspective Michael brings to this type of healing.

- JL from Boulder, CO area

I really felt the impact of Michael’s Marconic Energy treatment into all parts of my body but especially in the areas of trauma. I didn’t have to go into detail with Michael about my history, but I felt the energy release areas that had tightness and emotional holding. Michael also coaches with kindness and compassion, and you can tell that this is his soul’s purpose. I feel like Michael is trustworthy and I would definitely recommend him for both a Marconic session and spiritual life coaching!

- AM from Sacramento, CA area

I have spent many months in a highly stressed environment and felt that a treatment like Marconic Energy would help heal and repair all the damage from the intense stress. I went in with an open mind where Michael thoroughly explained the process and answered all my questions. I felt at ease throughout the process, which was very relaxing and felt the stress was being released from my body. Great experience and highly recommended Michael!

- MC from Westminster, CO area

Felt My Goddess Warrior

Thank you so much for the help I can feel my goddess warrior running thru me like crazy which is exactly what I needed. Thank you for helping me take my power back.

- KW from Denver, CO area

Clarity and Confidence in Transition

Michael Johnson is the kind of coach who truly cares and goes out of his way for his clients. He is committed to making support accessible for people like my teenage son who was going through a huge life transition during the pandemic when more than half of our family income had been eliminated. Michael met my son where he was in multiple ways, both accommodating his shifting availability and offering scholarships to make it possible. My son loved getting to meet with Michael outside in a neutral space where he got to share his passion for playing music during the session. This along with the contemplation, listening and dialogue Michael offered helped my son to get clarity and confidence for moving forward toward his goals. My son made instant progress after working with Michael. Michael's involvement with Natural Highs and his vision for linking other teens in personal development work added to our interest in having him mentor our son. As a parent, I felt Michael went above and beyond communicating with me and supporting me in how to handle this transition. I was able to share very sensitive information with him which I felt he handled with the utmost compassion and professionalism. I recommend Michael as an effective coach, and think he’s especially skilled at working with teens or anyone going through a transition.

- L.S., parent of client, Denver CO area  

Authentic, encouraging, and friendly

Working with Michael has had a subtle, yet profoundly uplifting effect on my general state of being after just 3 sessions... as it unexpectedly felt like it boosted my sense of feeling like I have more ‘control’ over the part of me that has a hobby of worrying about those little things. Michael’s style and the specific therapeutic methods he uses were all very welcoming is the only way I can put it. And that authentic, encouraging, and friendly way about him, plus the extra way Michael makes himself accessible with his informative website and sending me to various sites I mentioned off-handedly I was interested in are what has had me recommend him so highly to several people who have also started working with Michael (and are probably also commenting here!). If you want to feel better, more grounded, more sure of yourself, and just feel more of a sense of peace about things, Michael is someone I can say I recommend highly. I will look forward to going back for ‘tune-ups’ a few times a year after our initial 3 sessions ‘whew..., something shifted and I finally feel good again after wondering for so long why I didn’t...’

- L.F. from Boulder, CO area

Nature Connected

I loved my hypno-journey sessions with Michael! I felt very cared for and safe the entire time. Michael did a really nice job of explaining the process beforehand, talking me through the whole thing in a gentle manner, and debriefing with me afterwards so that I felt fully integrated. I found that both of the hypno-journeys I did offered me helpful tools that I continue to utilize in order to navigate certain issues in a spiritual way. I am surprised and impressed with how powerful these experiences were and continue to be. I would definitely recommend giving this a try 🙂

 - BR from Boulder, CO Area.

Supporting and Nourishing

The Reiki [healing] session with Michael was very supporting and nourishing to me. He has very soft intuitive [approach], and strong presence. I felt re-energized and deeply relaxed after his energy work. Lovely experience. Thank you, Michael 🙏

-AB from Boulder, CO area  

Peaceful Reiki 

“Michael held a safe and peaceful space during my reiki session. I had been feeling stressed when I arrived and left my session feeling relaxed and renewed. I would definitely recommend him!”

- HB from Boulder, CO