About Me

Michael Johnson’s Journey

I am no stranger to the challenges modern society poses and have had my own struggles with anxiety and depression cycles in the past.  This led me on a healing journey that culminated with me offering my services to help others find their healing and empowerment path.

I’d like to share a bit about my journey, particularly in finding Marconics.  I am now 30 years into a career helping businesses/organizations with clean energy and sustainability solutions.  However, about 12 years ago I started feeling a calling to follow a different path and assist people with their healing process from traumas, life wounding, lack of nature connectedness and all of what contributes to us not feeling whole. 

Along that path, I studied wilderness therapy, restorative justice, reiki energy healing, hypno-journey, and shamanic traditions.  I also followed many different healing modalities for my own path to wholeness.  The culmination of my journey was to find Marconics Ascension Energy in December 2023 and I absolutely know this is the healing and ascension modality I am meant to offer as my primary service to clients.  My passion and vibration for life is at the highest level that I have ever felt and I would like to share that with all of you.

Michael Johnson Marconics Life Coach Energy Healing Colorado

My personal experience allows me to relate to the challenges people face and guide them through their own process to live their authentic life.  I feel this strong calling to help others that are struggling with depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges. Through Marconics Ascension Energy, nature-connected coaching and other related healing activities, my goal is to empower people to discover their strength, joy, and productivity in life. Along the way, people will increase their self-acceptance and find balance by including fun as a component of their regular schedule.