My second visit with the magic Tree was almost upon me and I was feeling elated. What would we share this time? Will I learn more on the secrets of the forest? All kinds of questions were running through my head as I made my way to the trail that would start my journey. I felt the presence of life within the land as I made my way up the trail. There seemed to be a stronger pulse, as if a faint heartbeat had begun, as I approached the area in which I would leave the beaten path.
The mushrooms marked the way with the network of mycelium slowly moving in the soil and with just a bit of phosphorescence to light the way. My appreciation of this form of life was growing each trip to the woods and I was learning just how important fungi are to all life.
Suddenly, I was in front of the Tree and I was warmly greeted. “Hello Michael and so good to sense your presence again.” I bowed and asked: “can you see me…how do you know I am here and who I am?” The Tree seemed to think and said: “your energy imprint is unique Michael. I will know you always because of this. All life has its unique energy imprint in this world whether a human or a tree.” I felt into this deeply and knew it to be true.
“Now Michael, share a story with me of growing up with trees.” I thought about if for a moment and shared: “I remember getting home from school and feeling the call to go out in the woods that ran along the local creek that was an easy hike from my house. It was the one place I could go by myself and feel absolutely free.” I would run along and among the trees and seemed to never trip or fall. I grew up with the constant feeling of being a klutz, but not here. I was unchained and released into my true self. At times, I would climb one of the trees and see how high I could go. The wind would blow, and I would feel it in every cell of my body. The world looked smaller from up here and I relished every moment of being in this majestic forest. Finally, it was time to go home and I would slowly walk out of my magic place and at least for a while take the magic with me. It felt like the trees knew me and even if I didn’t hear any words, I knew my connection with the forest.”
“Ah, beautiful Michael. Your story resonates in this forest now and we feel heard in a way we have not in a while. Thank you for your share and for the magic you add to this place in this moment” the Tree expressed with gratitude. The Tree further said: “We are all connected and as others remember their stories of trees and nature they will also feel the magic you conveyed.”
It was time to go, but before leaving I told my friend the Tree: “I feel so blessed that I found you and this area of the forest. Thank you for being here and for showing me a deeper connection with our earth.” The Tree expressed with gladness: “I am excited for all the things yet to come from this journey together and look forward to your next visit.” I turned towards the path home and the mushrooms showed me the way. I could feel the excitement within me to be on this journey and to guide others to their own magic places out in Nature.